Draw the Circle
Cycle 7 Resource Library
Our past testimonies and breakthroughs have been incredible!! This cycle we expect nothing less! We wanted to ensure that you don't miss out on anything important from the sessions. Please use this page if you missed a session or it was sooo good you want a replay.
You will also find links to any other resources mention on the calls.
Be Abundantly Blessed
- Cherlene & The Book Club Team
Need the Book?
We strongly recommend you order the hard copy. If you don't have it yet, download the Pdf here:
Draw the Circle
Cycle V Resources Library
We hope you are enjoying the challenge so far!
The testimonies and breakthroughs have been incredible!! God is SO amazing! We wanted to ensure that you don't miss out on anything important from the sessions. Please use this page if you missed a session or it was sooo good you want a replay!!!
You will also find links to any other resources mentioned on the call.
Be Abundantly Blessed
- Cherlene & The Prayer Challenge Team
Day 1: Get Ready
Led by Cherlene Wilson
1. Pray and ask God what to pray about.
1. My Worship - Phil Thompson
2. Elohim - MOGmusic
3. Great Are You Lord - Sinach
Day 2: Established By God
Led by Cherlene Wilson
1. Ask God if there are any areas of your life that you do not believe He cares about.
Day 3: Amazing Things
Led by Cherlene
Homework Questions
1. God what are the purposes for my life?
2. What are the areas in my life I need to concentrate to Him?
Videos Mentioned
Video 1
Video 2
Day 4: Don't Pray Away
Led by Cherlene
1. Ask God, 'Are there anythings in me that I'm angry, disappointed etc at you about?'
2. Ask God, 'Are there any areas I am ask you to get me out of, rather than to get me through?' List them
3. What are the areas you want to grow me in?
Day 5: Write it Down
Day 6: Shameless Audacity
Led by Cherlene Wilson
1. What will you have the shameless audacity to ask God for?
Day 7: Put on Waders
Led by Cherlene
1. Decide on what your '$85 Faith' move is going to be, and do it.
Day 8: One God-Idea
Led by Agatha
1. Ask God to give you His idea(s).
2. Act on it.
Day 9: Dream Factory
Day 10: Crazy Faith
Day 11 - First Class Noticer
Led by Chekirah
Live Music - by Chekirah
Day 12: Sow a Seed
Led by Ruth
1. What do I need to do in my 'in-between'?
2. What is my attitude in the in-between and do I need to change that?
Day 13: One Day
Led by Bev
Day 14: Speak to the Mountain
Led by Pelumi
1. What mountains have you spoken to in the past that God has removed? Write them down.
Day 15: Contend for Me
Day 16: Lord Surprise Me
Day 18: Keep Circling
Day 19: Memorial Offering
Day 20: Go. Set. Ready
Day 21: Set Your Foot
Led by Cherlene
Day 22: Prayer Fleece
Day 23: Not Now
Day 24: Find Your Voice
Day 25: A Prophetic Voice
Day 26: Game Minutes
Led by Ruth
1. What is your prayer rhythm?
2. If you don't have one, can you create one?
Ideas to Connect with God in Prayer - Janet McNish
1. Worship music
2. Mind map
3. Drawing / doodling
4. Writing using different pens
5. Gratitude
6. Audio Bible
7. 15 mins during lunchtime
8. Tithe our time - 2hrs 40 mins divided throughout the day.Resources
The Practice of the Presence of God Devotional
The Practice of the Presence Full Audio Book
Day 27: Double Circle
Day 28: Quit Praying
Led by Cherlene
Goal Setting
G - Goal - What is the goal you want to accomplish? 'Today is...[insert date] and I have...
R - Reality - What have you done so far to move you closer to the goal.
O - Options - What else can you do to move you closer to the goal? What resources do you need?
W - Will - What will you do? Set a deadline date.
Day 29: A New Prayer
Day 30: Abide in Me
Led by Chekirah
Which facet (aspect) of abide are you focusing on in this season particularly?
Day 31: Spell It Out
Day 32: Get a Testimony
Led by Bev
Day 33: Prayer Covering
Day 34: Raise Up a Remnant
Day 35: The Longest Lever
Day 36: Senior Partners
Day 37: Prayer Contracts
Day 39: Holy Ground
Led by
Day 40: Prayer Alphabet
Led by Cherlene